
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Beothail and The Well of Bones
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Welcome to a mini episode of the podcast! Today's ep features Molly my lovely wee beagle, I'm sure you will agree her snoring is just lovely.
The tale of Beothail comes from the Scottish Island of Lismore, this version was influenced by the work of Alasdair Alpin MacGregor's The Peat Fire Flame.
I've included a few links that might be of interest, and would like to thank the creators of Pixabay and Unsplash, and Kai Engel for such beautiful music!
https://blog.nls.uk/curators-favourit... https://www.scottishcastlesassociatio... https://isleoflismore.com https://kaiengel.bandcamp.com https://unsplash.com https://pixabay.com

Thursday Oct 31, 2024
The Impudent Edda with Rowdy Geirsson
Thursday Oct 31, 2024
Thursday Oct 31, 2024
Today, I'm delighted to announce the return of The Myth Legend & Lore Podcast! Joining me, is a very special guest... the wonderful Rowdy Geirsson, as we dicuss his exceptional book The Impudent Edda!
"Start with a deeply layered set of myths. Invite the best storyteller you know in the greater Boston area. Add alcohol (even more than the myths already contain), and you get The Impudent Edda. Geirsson combines deep knowledge of Norse mythology and a skeptical irreverence for its norms (and norns), building a world of Chevy-driving, street-brawling, and bar-crawling Massachus-Æsir that remains delightfully familiar to fans of the vikings and their tales." -John Sexton, Professor of English at Bridgewater State University and co-host of the Saga Thing podcast
"The text throughout is caustic, demotic and profanity-laden, as though our narrator isn't some hoary-bearded viking bard sitting by the fireside but a modern guy shooting the breeze with buddies over a beer. The result is a smart, lovingly rendered blend of academia and pastiche." -Financial Times
The Impudent Edda
The Scandinavian Agressors
Norse Mythology for Bostonians
Etsy NorseBoston
Scandinavian Aggression Website
Music in this episode can be found on Pixabay Music, a huge thank you to all the contributors, your talent is greatly appreciated!

Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thidrandi & the Goddesses Who Slew Him
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Welcome to a wee return before Christmas!
Today we have a news update and a tale that suits this time of year... I think! Welcome to the tale of Thidrandi, who despite his many admirable qualities, can fight neither death nor fate when it arrives upon horseback.
Today's links include:
Vræyda Literary
And for the ebook www.smashwords.com/books/view/1153292
Jacob Foust & The Saga Thing Podcast
(Instagram) Skarphedin_Illustrator
Speak Viking
Oxford University Press
HR Ellis Davidson
Twitter/TikTok/Instagram - @LoreMyth
Facebook - Myth Legend and Lore Podcast
Gmail - mlegendlore@gmail.com
YouTube - The Myth Legend & Lore Podcast

Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Oral tradition is a wonderfully diverse form of communication in which societies share and maintain their knowledge, culture and history from generation to generation. It includes methods such as poetry, prose, storytelling and singing. However, over time much has changed if we consider how this practice has survived.
Today I have the joy of welcoming author Joshua Gillingham, & narrator Alexander C. Stewart, as they announce the release of The Gatewatch audiobook! Join us as we discuss Joshua’s epic adventure novel and its marvellous characters, oral tradition, poetry, audiobooks & much more!
Joshua Gillingham
Alex C. Stewart
Crowsnest Books
Peter Hallberg - Old Icelandic Poetry: Eddic Lay and Skaldic Verse
Please check out SkarphedinArt on Etsy and Instagram where you can discover past and present illustrations, and eagerly await the future work of Jacob and SkarphedinArt!
Music used in promo is Yngve-Frej from the Midsolsblot album by Torulf
Background music:
Kai Engel - Chapter 4/Fall Smouldering

Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tales of Olden, Vol 1 - with Ian Fontova
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
In today’s episode, I have the honour of featuring the wonderful music of Ian Fontova and his new album Tales of Olden. To accompany the music, we have a thrilling tale featuring Badb the battle goddess, a mythic isle, the legendary Boar King, and the wrath of Beira’s waves of misery! Ian and I very much hope you enjoy this episode, it has been a joy for us to work on it together. Below you will find links to Ian and Tales of Olden, and a few sources that inspired our story!
Ian Fontova and Tales of Olden:
Spotify - tinyurl.com/y4s5tmuz
Skye: The Island and Its Legends, Otta Swire
Folklore of Scottish Lochs and Springs, James M MacKinlay
Old Celtic Romances, P W Joyce
Gods and Fighting Men, Lady Gregory
Wondertales from Scottish Myth and Legend, Donald A MacKenzie
Please check out Skarphedin Art on Etsy and Instagram where you can discover past and present illustrations, and eagerly await the future work of Jacob and SkarphedinArt!
Music used in promo is Yngve-Frej from the Midsolsblot album by Torulf
Background music:
Kai Engel - Chapter 4/Fall Smouldering

Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
The Tháttr of Nornagest - adaption of Nora Kershaw's 1921 translation
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Today we have The Tháttr of Nornagest, which can be found in the longer version of the Saga of Olaf Tryggvason, contained in the Flateyjarbók, a medieval Icelandic manuscript. Our adaption is from Nora Kershaw’s 1921 translation, based on Valdimar Asmundarson’s 1891 version. This tale has a host of legendary figures, as well as mythical, and it reveals an interesting portrayal of life in a northern court.
Those of us who have enjoyed the Saga of the Volsungs will be delighted with Guests account of his time with the hero Sigurth, and there is a wonderful section dedicated to Brynhild and her ride to Hel. But what will undoubtedly stand out is the tale of Guest himself and his connection to the Norns.
There is also something a little special, the music you will hear is my sister-in-law playing a section of the Faroese Ballad Nornagest’s Rima, also provided by Nora Kershaw. It’s a beautiful piece and I very much hope you enjoy it as much as we have! Thank you, Karen, you helped to bring this story to life…
Nora Kershaw – Stories and Ballads of the Far Past www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/33471

Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Today I have the joy of welcoming Professor Carolyne Larrington to the podcast! Join us as we discuss her fascinating new book ‘All Men Must Die, Power and Passion in Game of Thrones’, a fascinating exploration of the narratives, themes, and characters of a truly epic series!
Carolyne is a Professor of Medieval European Literature, Official Fellow of St John's College at the University of Oxford, and an author whose books include:
The Norse Myths a guide to Gods and Heroes
The Poetic Edda – A translation
The Land of the Green Man
& the exceptional, Winter is Coming
Find Professor Carolyne Larrington on:
Saturday 27 February, 8pm GMT www.thefolklorepodcast.com(online)

Saturday Jan 30, 2021
An Bhuatais & the Meaning of Life - by Lorcán MacMathúna
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
Today I have the joy of sharing ‘An Bhuatais & the Meaning of Life’, the outstanding new album from Lorcán MacMathuna, with Martin Tourish, Daire Bracken & Éamonn Galldubh.
The album is accompanied by a fascinating and engaging book; ‘An Bhuatais and The Meaning of Life, the mythological representation of hope, longing, and fire’ written by Lorcán, which is an enlightening & philosophical exploration of what is it that gives life meaning. In past episodes of the podcast, we’ve explored a variety of Irish myths, legends, and folklore, if you have a keen interest in this as well as the history and traditions of Irelands people, then this album, this book, is undoubtedly for you!
Twitter @mac_lorcan